Shareholder Agreements

Succession planning is a critical aspect of ensuring the long-term success and stability of any business. For companies with multiple shareholders, a well-drafted shareholder agreement is an essential component of this planning. At Blackstone Solicitors, we recognise the importance of safeguarding the future of your business by addressing the complexities of ownership transitions through carefully crafted legal agreements.

Contact us today and we can talk you through our services and how we can help you and your family. Simply call us on 0345 901 0445 or complete our online enquiry form and a member of the team will give you a call back as soon as possible.

“Excellent service, friendly approach and attention to detail. Niall was extremely helpful and efficient at all times.”

Sally Norman   

Our Services

We can provide help with a wide range of matters relating to Succession Planning, including:

We have partners we work closely with that can advise upon:

  • Tax Planning including advising on capital gains tax and income tax for individuals, businesses, landed estates, professionals, entrepreneurs and advice on matters including business relief, exemptions and retirement planning.

What Is a Shareholder Agreement?

A shareholder agreement is a legally binding contract between the shareholders of a company that outlines the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of each party. It provides a framework for how the company will be managed, how shares can be bought or sold, and how disputes will be resolved. In the context of succession planning, a shareholder agreement plays a crucial role in ensuring that ownership transitions are handled smoothly and in a manner that aligns with the long-term goals of the business.

The Importance of Shareholder Agreements in Succession Planning

Succession planning is the process of identifying and preparing for the transfer of leadership and ownership within a company. For businesses with multiple shareholders, the absence of a clear plan can lead to uncertainty, disputes, and even the potential collapse of the business. A shareholder agreement is essential for several reasons:

  1. Clarity and Certainty

A shareholder agreement provides clarity on what should happen in the event of a shareholder’s retirement, death, or incapacity. It outlines the procedures for transferring shares and can include mechanisms to ensure that the shares remain within the control of the existing shareholders or the company, rather than being passed on to external parties who may not have the same commitment to the business.

  1. Protection of Business Interests

Without a shareholder agreement, the shares of a deceased or departing shareholder may be inherited by individuals who have no interest in or knowledge of the business. This could potentially destabilise the company. A shareholder agreement can include provisions such as buy-sell agreements, which allow the remaining shareholders or the company to purchase the shares from the departing shareholder or their estate, ensuring continuity and stability.

  1. Avoidance of Disputes

Succession planning can be a sensitive issue, particularly in family-owned businesses. Differing opinions among shareholders or family members can lead to conflicts that may harm the business. A shareholder agreement helps to minimise the risk of disputes by setting out agreed-upon procedures for handling succession matters. It ensures that all parties are aware of their rights and obligations, reducing the likelihood of disagreements.

  1. Valuation of Shares

A well-drafted shareholder agreement will include provisions for how shares should be valued in the event of a sale or transfer. This is particularly important in succession planning, as it provides a clear method for determining the value of a departing shareholder’s interest in the company. This can prevent disputes over the price and ensure that the process is fair for all parties involved.

  1. Funding Mechanisms

Succession planning often requires significant financial resources, particularly if the remaining shareholders wish to buy out a departing shareholder. A shareholder agreement can include provisions for funding mechanisms, such as life insurance policies or company funds, to ensure that the buyout can be completed without placing undue financial strain on the business or the remaining shareholders.

Key Considerations for Drafting Shareholder Agreements

When drafting a shareholder agreement as part of your succession planning, there are several key considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Defining Trigger Events

It is important to clearly define the events that will trigger the provisions of the shareholder agreement. These trigger events might include the death, retirement, or incapacity of a shareholder, as well as voluntary or involuntary exits from the company. By specifying these events, the agreement ensures that all parties are aware of when the succession provisions will come into effect.

  1. Share Transfer Restrictions

To protect the interests of the company and the remaining shareholders, the agreement may include restrictions on the transfer of shares. For example, it might stipulate that shares can only be sold to existing shareholders, or that any sale to an external party must be approved by a majority of the remaining shareholders. This helps to prevent unwanted third parties from gaining control of the business.

  1. Valuation Methods

The agreement should outline the method for valuing shares in the event of a transfer. Common valuation methods include the use of a formula based on the company’s financial performance, an independent valuation by a third-party expert, or a pre-agreed fixed price. Clear valuation methods help to ensure fairness and prevent disputes.

  1. Funding Arrangements

If the agreement includes buy-sell provisions, it is important to establish how the purchase of shares will be funded. This might involve setting up life insurance policies on the lives of key shareholders, which would provide the necessary funds to buy out the shares in the event of their death. Alternatively, the company could set aside reserves specifically for this purpose.

  1. Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Despite the best efforts to plan for all contingencies, disputes may still arise. A shareholder agreement should include a clear dispute resolution mechanism, such as mediation or arbitration, to resolve conflicts in a manner that minimises disruption to the business.

Our Approach

We are 100% committed to ensuring each and every one of our clients receives the highest quality service and we will go the extra mile to ensure that you are happy with the results gained. We understand it can be particularly difficult to deal with matters relating to death and inheritance and this is why our friendly and approachable team always take a sympathetic and understanding approach, ensuring that you receive the support you need.

We believe communication is of the utmost importance. We will therefore keep you updated as things develop, and our solicitors will provide practical, straightforward legal advice so that you can be confident everything is progressing as you would like.

Get in Touch

Contact us today to discuss any matter relating to Succession Planning. We can talk about your situation in depth and get to the bottom of what you need and how we can help. We are here to answer any questions which you have, and we aim to make everything as simple for you as possible.

Our team is approachable, professional and vastly experienced. We will do everything in our power to help you get the outcome you need. Call us on 0345 901 0445 or, if you would prefer us to contact you, leave your details via our online enquiry form.

We offer our services to clients in Manchester, Chester, Cheshire and throughout the rest of the UK. We also have an office in London.

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